Joyce's daughter Vicki writes to say that she passed away on
Christmas Eve at her apartment with "the things she loved---especially
Penny," her little dog.
There will be a Memorial Life Celebration on
Sunday, Jan. 27th, 2-4 PM at the Y at Pt.B.
EK: I remember three occasions on which I saw Eleanor Roosevelt: one, when she spoke at the high school assembly; another when she parked in her Eleanor-blue coupe down at Union Station. I was meeting somebody, and so was she, and she parked her little car next to mine.
HT: She drove herself?
EK: Yes, all by herself. And the third time was when the king and queen of England came to visit, and there were two cars, open cars. One had the king and Franklin Roosevelt, waving to the crowd. I was standing on the curb, on Massachusetts Avenue, in front of the British Embassy. The same with the queen and Eleanor. Totally—not totally unprotected. I suppose there were Secret Service around. But these two open cars.
I was standing a very short distance away. I was standing on the curb, and they were in the middle of the road. They'd never do that today. But I could see her and the queen, with her regal wave and her hat that went suitably off her face, so she wouldn't be hidden from the crowd. In fact, I have snapshots of that, I think, somewhere.