Saturday, January 22, 2011

Note From Andrew

Everyone here is looking forward to the fete…celebration…adventure…event that is PBGetaway! It’s an honor to again host the majority who has attended before, and to welcome with open arms the newcomers!

A few announcements and requests:

· When you arrive on Friday, please check in at the Office (adjacent to Scissorhands) prior to settling in to the dorms or your work room. We have a youth group in residence until 1:00 on Friday, and we will be cleaning and resetting the campus throughout the day. Your dorm room and/or work room may not be immediately available, and your understanding and patience are deeply appreciated. Arrivals after 1:00 pm would be most convenient.

· The Farallon bathroom is for boys and men until the school departs at 1:00 pm. Please use the Golden Gate restroom or office restroom until the school departs.

· At 5:00 pm the YMCA is honored to present an opening reception in the Dining Room. Our chefs will prepare some special appetizers for the event! The Y is precluded from providing wine, but you may provide it to complement the affair.

· If you have guests or visitors during the week, we request that the person sign and submit the attached Release Form to the office. (We do live in the age of liability…) If someone stays for a meal, the price is $15/person/meal. Your help on the honor system is deeply appreciated.

· Upon check-in, you will be provided with detailed emergency information, including emergency phone numbers as well as my home and cell number. This information is also posted around the campus. If you have questions or concerns you need addressed before next week, please let me know.

Again, it is an honor and pleasure to host this event at the YMCA! Contact me if you need anything.

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