Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Note from Alba

Dear friends,

Firstly, thank you, Sally, for undertaking such an enormous task in polling our feelings about the location for our treasured retreat, and for doing it with such diligence.  I can't imagine it could have been handled more fairly or with more consideration toward each of us.

We all agree that change is difficult but now that a decision has been made, I feel relieved and even happy to be trying this new location. I trust Sally's judgement that this place will work for us. I also know how resilient we quilt broads are.  We will help each other overcome the challenges.  We can move mountains so what the hell is a hill to us?  There's food at the top of it!

The most important aspect of this change for me will  be keeping most of us together.  As much as the setting of Point Bonita has contributed to my pleasure of attending all these years, it is the women who matter most.  I hope to see everyone who possibly can make it next January.

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